Caterer Cindy Westphalen

We recently had a chat with Cindy Westphalen about wedding catering – • How did you get into being a Catering Business? I started my catering business 30 years ago – I liked to cook and would always be the one to cook for parties or get the parties...

Photographer Stina Evjan

We recently had a chat with Stina Evjan about Photographer life – • How did you get into being a Photographer? I got bored with my previous work as a graphic designer and I loved taking photos, so I threw myself into the deep end of the pool and shot my first wedding...

Celebrant Camille Abbott

We recently had a chat with Camille Abbott about Celebrant life – • How did you get into being a celebrant? Haha – it’s all my brother’s fault! He knew that he wanted to include me in a special way during his commitment ceremony to my now...